Everyone is welcome at any of our services. We welcome everyone to the altar rail, whether you wish to receive communion or receive a blessing from the Priest.
Sunday Services
10.30am - Sung Eucharist
Evening Services are held during the Summer months (BST) - from the end of March to end of October at 5.15pm
Weekday Prayers
Noon - Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Led by our Prayer Ministry, following the Celtic Tradition, there is a short service of around 15 minutes allowing time to pause for prayer and reflection.
The Prayer Ministry is our work of prayer for the world and for the prayer requests of our many visitors. Some members of our team are also trained in Christian Listening, a gentle healing that is offered to those in need of a listening ear.
Weddings & Baptisms
Only members of the St Matthew's congregation may be allowed permission to have a wedding ceremony at the Chapel. To become a member of the congregation you must be able to attend services on a regular basis. If you are unable to fulfil this requirement then your request will very likely be denied.
Baptisms are by special arrangement with the Priest and are normally incorporated within the Sunday morning sung Eucharist
Journeys in Faith
Thirsting After Righteousness - First Sunday of every month is held at noon in the Original Inn, Roslin. An opportunity for informal group discussion.